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増田教授の映像バリ島まるかじり / prof.MASUDA presents Fantastic Scenes from Bali画像

増田教授の映像バリ島まるかじり / prof.MASUDA presents Fantastic Scenes from Bali

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能の本質を解き明かす名著「能の表現ーその逆説の美学」の著者増田正造教授が、空撮・水中撮影も自身行って製作された「バリ島まるかじり」は、バリの「自然と文化と芸能と人々の暮らし」が全12編8時間の映像に凝縮されています。また本解説書のために書き下ろされた「巷談 BALI 」は、バリを知る人も知らない人も思わず引き込まれる何とも痛快なバリ語りで、増田教授ならではの視点に思わず目を見張らされます。

公益法人 日本伝統文化振興財団理事長 藤本 草

Professor Shozo Masuda, the author of the famous book "Expression of Noh-The Aesthetics of Its Paradox", which reveals the essence of Noh, produced "Bali Marukajiri" by himself taking aerial and underwater photographs. "Entertainment and people's lives" is condensed into a total of 12 episodes and 8 hours of video. In addition, the "Bali" written for this commentary is a very exciting Balinese story that attracts both those who know Bali and those who do not know it, and it is amazing to see Professor Masuda's unique perspective.
The video documentary "Video Bali Marukajiri", which clearly recorded the origin of the charm of Bali that has fascinated travelers' hearts for more than 10 years, is thus an unprecedented "picture epic" and " It is a great hymn of human beings.

Kusa Fujimoto, Chairman of the Japan Traditional Culture Promotion Foundation


Part 1
Part 2 バリ人の魅力の
Part 3  音楽を楽譜にはしない
Part 4  穏やかで繊細なバリ人の
Part 5  本当に酔っぱらっている人を
Part 6  力強くガムランが

Part 7  装飾好きはあまりにも
Part 8  完璧な人と環境の調和
Part 9  信仰は生活様式そのもの
Part 10  時として激しく強い気性を
Part 11  バリのアーティストは
Part 12  Image of Bali

撮影・構成・編集 増田 正造
撮影協力 ワヤン・スタマ ほか

ブックレット本文48ページを同梱。「巷談 BALI」、全映像目録を掲載。

DVD2枚組 VZBG-42,43
税込定価 3,500円


A compilation of 8 hours of footage of climate, life, art, and performing arts


Part 1

Part 2 Balinese charm

Part 3 Do not make music into sheet music

Part 4 Gentle and delicate Balinese

Part 5: For those who are really drunk

Part 6 Powerful gamelan


Part 7 Decorative lovers are too

Part 8 Perfect harmony between people and the environment

Part 9 Faith is the lifestyle itself

Part 10 Sometimes intense and strong temper

Part 11 Balinese artists

Part 12 Image of Bali

Shooting / Composition / Editing Shozo Masuda

* Recorded video recorded locally in Bali

Shooting cooperation Wayang Stama and others

Includes 48 pages of booklet text. "Bali", all video catalog posted.

Publisher: Japan Traditional Culture Promotion Foundation

Distributor: Victor Entertainment Co., Ltd.

2 DVD set VZBG-42,43

Fixed price including tax 3,500 yen

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