ジャワ島スンダ料理。Bakso,Tahu goreng、Telurの略でBatagor(おそらく)。
Sunda cuisine in Java. A mix of Bakso, Tahu goreng, Telur is called Batagor.
The Batagor in our shop is a mixed of 2 kinds; minced fish meat wrapper in dumpling skin, and fried tofu skin..
Our store serve it with fried boiled egg and plenty of homemade peanut sauce and topped with kecap manis (sweet soy sauce).
For mail shipping purposes, we have excluded the egg. At home, cut fried tofu skin, and wrapped minced meat into half, and fry it together with boiled egg. The point of The taste is on the separated peanut sauce. Please warm up the sauce before serving it.