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圧倒的人気!ソトアヤム(チキンスープ)/Soto ayam 【Halal】画像

圧倒的人気!ソトアヤム(チキンスープ)/Soto ayam 【Halal】

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Indonesian chicken soup that is often eaten at home. It is recommended to eat by pouring the soup little by little onto the white rice on the plate. The restaurant has topped the soup with vermicelli, bean sprouts, and cabbage. Please add seasonal vegetables to your liking.
A lot of restaurant Cabe’s customers choose this light soup and rice when they are not feeling well. Recommended for midnight snacks.
【The photograph is an image. Chicken is the only ingredient included in the package with 300g of soup. Please enjoy the soup with any toppings of your choice. ]
■消費期限 製造日より冷蔵で7日間
■保存方法 冷蔵庫、または冷凍庫で保存
■内容量 約300g
■お届け方法 冷蔵便で送付
■お召し上がり方 袋から出して電子レンジやお鍋などで温めお召し上がりください。お使いの電子レンジによって温め時間は調整して下さい。

■ Expiration date: 7 days refrigerated from the date of manufacture
■ Preservation method: Store in the refrigerator or freezer
■ Contents: Approximately 300g
■ Delivery method: Deliver by refrigerated mail
■ How to eat: Take it out of the bag and warm it in a microwave oven or pot. Please adjust the warming time according to the microwave oven you are using.
You can enjoy it with plenty of ingredients such as vermicelli, celery leaves, bean sprouts, and cabbage. It is also recommended to squeeze the lemon for even more refreshing taste.
☆ Raw materials
Chicken, bumbu Soto (red onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, turmeric, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, salt, vegetable oil)

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